Category: Other
다른 분류 어디에도 포함하기 애매한 잡다한 글들은 여기로 옵니다.
24 stories
2008 03 01
This world is full of names. And people remember things by “Brand name” and “Image,” whether it is a company, product, place, or even your own blog and website. Rather than just naming your blog with a phrase or simply […]
2008 02 15
보면 즉시 해야 하는 ‘지뢰 밟았습니다’ 바통 포스트입니다.XROK님 블로그에서 보고 작성합니다. 자, 이거 보신 분들.. 반드시 작성하세요.중요한 건 지금 당장, 바로 작성하셔야 한다는 점입니다. 흠 걸려들었으니 해야하는거겠죠 ㅋ(아무도 시키는 사람 없지만..;;) ———————————————– -좋아하는 타입을 외양만으로 대답해 보자+ 글쎄다. -연상은 좋아해?+ […]
2008 01 01
Happy New Year everyone!Well, my last day of 2007 was kind of busy with things going on in our church, but somehow we managed to do all the countdown stuff, so I guess after all, it’s…goodbye 2007, and hello 2008! […]
2007 12 25
Though it’s already a bit late, Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you have a wonderful holiday with your friends, family and all your loved ones… oh and do remember what Christmas is all about! Surely you know that it’s not […]